Sometimes you compare the cash register amount with any other module or Report and notice some difference in it. This could be due to various reasons. Let us go through a few options here.
Cash register amount and Grand Total in Sales invoice manager does not match
When you check your cash register amount and the sales invoice of any particular day is not matching, below are the possibilities that would have happened
- Cash register amount gets added or deducted every day as per cash transactions done through various options like Sales, Sales Return, Payment received from Customer, Payment done to Supplier, Journal Vouchers created, etc.
- In Sales Invoice manager it shows the total sales invoice amount. It can be the amount received through any payment mode.
- Even if you transfer cash register amount daily to any other cash register, Bank account or Financial Account it is quite possible to have different values in Cash register due to various types of transactions involved.
Cash Register total amount and closing balance in Cash Register Transaction is different
- Sometimes when you check the cash register total amount and closing balance of Cash Register in its transactions there is a difference in amount.
- Go to Set-Up à Cash Registers and click on Tool Strip button View Cash Register Transaction
- To resolve this issue you can go to Set-Upà Cash Registers and click on tool strip button Cash Register Amount Details
- Press Ctrl + Shft + Double click of mouse on Current Cash text.
- A message All cash register’s amount updated successfully will come up. Click on OK.
- You can see the change in the cash register amount.
Cash Register and Daily Sales Report/Daily Sales Manager does not match
- You can refer to the points mentioned under the Cash register amount and Grand Total in Sales invoice manager does not match section as this too is due to various transactions involved.
- Cash Register will show all the cash transactions and Daily Sales Manager or Report will only focus on Sales and Sales Return amount.
Sometimes you compare the cash register amount with any other module or Report and notice some difference in it. This could be due to various reasons. Let us go through a few options here.
Cash register amount and Grand Total in Sales invoice manager does not match
When you check your cash register amount and the sales invoice of any particular day is not matching, below are the possibilities that would have happened
- Cash register amount gets added or deducted every day as per cash transactions done through various options like Sales, Sales Return, Payment received from Customer, Payment done to Supplier, Journal Vouchers created, etc.
- In Sales Invoice manager it shows the total sales invoice amount. It can be the amount received through any payment mode.
- Even if you transfer cash register amount daily to any other cash register, Bank account or Financial Account it is quite possible to have different values in Cash register due to various types of transactions involved.
Cash Register total amount and closing balance in Cash Register Transaction is different
- Sometimes when you check the cash register total amount and closing balance of Cash Register in its transactions there is a difference in amount.
- Go to Set-Up à Cash Registers and click on Tool Strip button View Cash Register Transaction
- To resolve this issue you can go to Set-Upà Cash Registers and click on tool strip button Cash Register Amount Details
- Press Ctrl + Shft + Double click of mouse on Current Cash text.
- A message All cash register’s amount updated successfully will come up. Click on OK.
- You can see the change in the cash register amount.
Cash Register and Daily Sales Report/Daily Sales Manager does not match
- You can refer to the points mentioned under the Cash register amount and Grand Total in Sales invoice manager does not match section as this too is due to various transactions involved.
- Cash Register will show all the cash transactions and Daily Sales Manager or Report will only focus on Sales and Sales Return amount.